Monday 18 July 2011


Slightly exaggerated,bit overrated and grossly misunderstood,love as an idea can be alluring,dicey and enticing; however the idea of love still remains pretty much banal and bland,to an extent a shimmering bauble of erratic and erotic emotions,which like all its cousins is no more than a state of mind.  
                                                                           A friend asked me recently,what to me is the perfect recipe of love.Trying and eventually failing to find the realistic answer,I chose not to answer it.Wish things were that simple , to me is an acquired taste.Like good old wine, like good old books and like bad old habits,it gets to you.Either you are a game for it, or you chose not to unriddle its countless quirks.Either you feel for it,or you are left groping in the dark.Either it makes you feel wanted,or it finds you wanting.Either you lose yourself to it, or you are too loose to notice it.One can never predict when romance runs its course and recurring rancor,much like din and clamor of hackneyed chores take the sting out of the (love)bite.Its akin to walking a tight rope,some might rightly claim a double edged sword.Its a baffling quandary that has worked up poets and pandemonium alike.William Shakespeare seemingly decoded it long back when he historically claimed that the course of true love never did run smooth and there's never a bigger devil than love.
                                                                        One wonders why falling of an innocuous apple then became 'the' discovery of mankind when a playwright just as nonchalantly discovers the reason of falling and failing hearts.One wonders why the concoction of love ,despite being blissfully heady is so inscrutable.The idea of love, to some is appealing , to some appalling and to many is somewhere in between.One wonders why the vigor of romance loses out to the rigors of trite tests.One wonders why the dream gets further distant ,eventually disappearing and thoroughly avoidable arguments become unfailingly flabbergasting and perennially exasperating experiences.Sustained differences in opinions,7 year itch,out of sight-out of mind,end of honeymoon period,the reasons are as legendary as the romance itself,for there can never be perfect love between imperfect people.
                                                          Frankly, there is no perfect idea of  love.Love actually is the idea of making the imperfections appear less ugly and more ordinary.The balance between the contradicting forces of rightful freedom and rightful enforcement often decides the turbulence in the course of love.After years of emotional wear and tear,when hearts and hormones crave for a break,the respect for each others' battle hardened romance keeps the flagship of love sailing.Come high tide or heavy weather,the ship never sinks ,since deep down the hearts know to beat just one way;the souls know no difference.Bliss is one word that comes to mind.Its the same word that clouds the initial euphoria of love; and you know the circle finally is complete.Its all about persevering,the willingness to go the distance,the desire to make an effort,the urge to bring a smile.History might find it hard to fathom but love actually is your 'self ' shredded to brilliant,almost unbelievable precision.
jealous,zealous,bombastic,silent, has many faces; just that we decide to chose the one that matches our soul to perfection.Love can have its peripheries,but its not superficial.Love may be unreasonable,but that doesn't make it unreal.Love may appear improbable,yet its never impossible.Love may be lies,that doesn't make it deceptive either.Love is the biggest irony,and that makes it an engrossing enigma.To quote the famous line from Cecilia Ahren's PS:I Love You ,'Life moves on ,but love lives on'.True,real and rather intelligent.The answer may just be round the corner,the idea of love is to sustain itself; through its sheer weight of willingness and strength of existence.
                                                                    Love lives on, despite relationships that don't work and dreams that remain just that.

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